WebQuest Performance Task:
You are an up and coming scientist who has been presented with the opportunity to host a children’s show for Discovery Channel Kids. This new show will film many different volumes, each pertaining to different areas of science. In order to determine if you are the right host for them, the producers have decided that each contestant will create a five or six minute sneak preview show based on a secific genetic disorder. The sneak peek needs to include what the disease is, how it is diagnosed, whether or not it is hereditary, how it affects your genotype and phenotype, and whether or not there are any treatments. In order to be selected as the future host of this new children’s series, you will need to win over the hearts and minds of both the producers and the elementary students who will be viewing your show. Remember, this show is designed for children between the ages of ten and fifteen, so keep it fun and interesting! If selected as the winner, the producers will fly you out to their headquarters in Silver Springs, Maryland, and then on to L.A. to begin filming your show.Resources Used:
St. Georges University of London:
Kessling, Anna and Mary Sawtell. "The Genetics of Down's Syndrome." Learning About Intellectual Disabilites and Health. 2002. St. Georges University of London. 30 September, 2008.
March of Dimes:
No Author. "Quick References and Fact Sheet." March of Dimes. 2007. March of Dimes. 29 September, 2008.
The National Down Syndrome Society:
No Author. "About Down Syndrome." National Down Syndrome Society. 2008. The National Down Syndrome Society. 30 September, 2008.
KidsHealth- For Kids
Scott, Charles. "Down Syndrome." KidsHealth- For Kids. August 2008. Nemours Foundation. 20 September, 2008.
The Lucina Foundation:
Ward, Kenneth, P. Farrington and A. Sharp. "Birth Defects." The Lucina Foundation. 2006. The Lucina Foundation. 29 September, 2008.
(In order of appearance)
Groovin' on a Summer Afternoon
Down's Syndrome in South Africa
Average Karyotype
Trisomy 21 Karyotype
Effects of Down's Syndrome
Down's Syndrome Hands
Lucina Foundation- Birth Defects
New York Times-Genetics Photo
Pregnant Woman Photo
Incidence of Down's Syndrome
Gene Photo
Boy 1
Boy 2
Young Adult